Electronic Leadership as an Entrance to Enhance Knowledge Management Processes: An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics / Tikrit University
electronic leadership, knowledge management processes, Dimensions of knowledge management processesAbstract
The research is aimed at identifying the role of electronic leadership(EL) as a (independent) variable in enhancing knowledge management processes(KMPs) in its dimensions (generating knowledge, storage information, knowledge distribution and application) as a variable (approved) ,The research has relied on the descriptive approach to complete the requirements of its philosophy, and the College of Computer Science and Mathematics / University of Tikrit was chosen as a community to apply the research through the individuals working in it The research sample consisted of (40) respondents and the questionnaire was used as a main tool for data collection, The analysis of these data was carried out using SPSS-V24. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important is (the existence of a correlation and impact of EL and KMPs at the micro and macro levels), and based on the conclusions reached by the research, a set of proposals was presented, the most important was (spreading the culture of EL among academic circles in universities through holding training workshops and scientific seminars for the benefits they can provide for guidance and mentoring towards achieving the goals of the organization).
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