The Impact of Strategic Physiognomy on Strategic Improvisation: An Analysis of The Perspectives of a Random Sample of University of Kufa Employees


  • Dr. Amina Omran Associate Professor, University of Sfax, Faculty of Economics and Management, Tunisia
  • Ali Saheb Fleih University of Kufa, College of Urban Planning, Najaf, Iraq



strategic physiognomy, strategic improvisation.


The overarching aim of this research is to ascertain the influence of strategic improvisation on the dimensions of strategic physiognomy and deep understanding, empowerment, and inspiration that comprised strategic physiognomy. In the context of strategic improvisation, the dimensions examined were organized memory, resource utilization, microstructures, and empowerment. With this objective in mind, the research problem was succinctly outlined as follows: "To what extent does strategic physiognomy influence strategic improvisation?" and to achieve this goal, a main hypothesis and three sub-hypotheses were developed for the study. The study relied on the inductive, descriptive-analytical approach, and data was collected through a survey list. (325) questionnaires were administered to a random sample of employees from the University of Kufa. (301) questionnaires were valid for analysis. The data were analyzed using SPSS AMOS statistical programs. The study concluded that the effect between Strategic physiognomy and strategic improvisation was high, positive, and significant. This indicates that more attention is paid to the components of strategic physiognomy in the studied university in the province of Najaf whenever this leads to enhancing strategic improvisation and then presenting recommendations, The most significant of which is the imperative for the examined university to embrace a dialogue culture that fosters social cohesion and trust by encouraging collaborative creativity based on a collective mindset (governed by democratic principles), recombination, and synthesis. investing in new operations with available resources. The organization endeavors to leverage existing resources in order to address the challenges encountered by the university.


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How to Cite

Omran, D. A., & Saheb Fleih, A. . (2024). The Impact of Strategic Physiognomy on Strategic Improvisation: An Analysis of The Perspectives of a Random Sample of University of Kufa Employees. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 7(5), 18–30.


