Features of the Functioning of the Modern Russian Language on the Territory of Uzbekistan


  • Khatamov Ildar Urakovich Teacher of the department of “Uzbek language and literature” of Karshi engineering and economics institute, Uzbekistan




Russian language, borrowings, mentality, influence, lexical composition, communication, language unit, realities


The article deals with the issue of the state of the Russian language in the territory of modern Uzbekistan. Cultural and historical processes undoubtedly influence primarily the lexical composition of the Uzbek Russian language. The Russian language exists, on the one hand, within the area of Russian culture, and on the other hand, it functions and even develops within a completely different reality, another, one might say, exogenous culture.


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How to Cite

Urakovich, K. I. . (2022). Features of the Functioning of the Modern Russian Language on the Territory of Uzbekistan. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(4), 120–123. https://doi.org/10.31150/ajshr.v3i4.1027