The Role of Literature in the Education of Linguistics


  • Hawar Sardar Ali Al-Qalam University College, College of Education



Literature, Linguistics, Semantic, Structralism


In recent decades, the choice of the best method of literary criticism in a way that does not mean a detrimental effect has attracted the minds of critics around the world. Applying methods rooted in linguistics as one of the methods of contemporary literary criticism helps the critic to inform the reader of literary and linguistic subtleties while being faithful to the text. This research has tried to study and evaluate relation of literature in the education of linguistics. In this regard, examples of how these methods work in reviewing and critique examples of Persian and English literature are provided. It was concluded that the fact that linguistics and literature are interrelated cannot be hidden. The use of linguistics and since the use of linguistic knowledge in literary criticism is not limited to a particular language and literature, it is possible to provide a better understanding or critique of literary works by gaining more knowledge of linguistic points and nuances.


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How to Cite

Hawar Sardar Ali. (2022). The Role of Literature in the Education of Linguistics. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(1), 420–427.


