Taj Salmani's “Tarikhnoma” As a Historical Source
Uzbek statehood, Amir Temur, Shahrukh, Khalil Sultan, Timurids, military formations, military posts and positions, Umaroi khoss, Nuwwabi khossAbstract
The given article is dedicated to the work "Tarikhnoma" of Tadj Salmani. The role of Amir Temur and Timurids in Uzbek statehood in coverage of political, military, governmental, economic and financial history of 807/1404 - 811/1409 is exposed in the source.
ص. ٦٤٥.١٣٩٣.اکبر صبوری. تهران.تاج السلمانی. تاریخ نامه (شمسالحسن)
Tacü’s-Selmani.Tarihname. İsmail Aka. Ankara.1988. S. 125.