The Effectiveness of Physical Measurements in Distinguishing the Gradual Slope of High-Level and Low-Fitness Students


  • Shahad Subhi Mohamed Ghazal Faculty of physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of AL-Hamdania, Iraq
  • Haifa Hadi Saleh Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, AL-Noor University College, Iraq



physical measurements, slope, fitness


Determining the physical measurements affecting the physical fitness of high- and low-level students using the gradient regression method. The two researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method for its relevance and the nature of the research, and the research community consisted of female students from College and Departments of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Mosul and Hamdania university, and the research sample consisted of (153) female students distributed over the four stages. The two researchers used the following tests (the 20-meter sprint test from the high start, the test of sitting from lying down from the knees bent position during (10 seconds), the test of the wide skip of stability, the test of three hops for the right leg then the left for the farthest distance, and the test of throwing the medical ball weighing (3 kg) from the position Sitting on a chair in front of the chest, and a running-walking test of 400 meters. As for the physical measurements used (height - weight - length of the torso from sitting - arm length - leg length - chest width - hip width - thigh width - ulna width - shoulder width – perimeter humerus - Chest perimeter - waist perimeter - hip perimeter – calf perimeter - thickness of skin tuck behind humerus - thickness of the skin tuck under the shoulder - thickness of the skin tuck of the calf), and statistical means were used through the statistical bag spss, The conclusions are: Through differentiation analysis, it was possible to extract the physical measurements (height - weight - hip width - thigh width - humerus width - humerus perimeter - chest perimeter - waist perimeter - hip primeter- thickness of the skin tuck of the back of the humerus - thickness of the skin tuck of the calf). Through the Wilkes-Lambada test, it was possible to construct the estimated function = 14,699 + (thickness of the skin tuck of calf -0.107) + (length 0.073) + (weight -0.167) + (chest width 0.124).


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How to Cite

Ghazal, S. S. M. ., & Saleh, H. H. . (2024). The Effectiveness of Physical Measurements in Distinguishing the Gradual Slope of High-Level and Low-Fitness Students. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 5(2), 77–83.


