The Effect of Lactic Exercises and Taking a Supplement (Co Q10) on Some Functional Variables in Advanced Boxers
Lactic Exercises, Supplement (Co Q10), BoxersAbstract
The goal of this work is to prepare anaerobic exercises and coenzyme Q10 consumption to enhance certain functional variables for boxing players, as well as to determine the impact of these activities on improving certain functional variables in boxers. assembling pre- and post-measurement groups according to the study question's requirements. The athletes in the study sample are members of local boxing organizations. There were twelve boxers in all, and they were split into two experimental groups (the first group and the second group) at random, with six boxers in each group. While the second experimental group just engaged in anaerobic workouts, the first experimental group engaged in anaerobic exercises created by the researchers and included a dosage of the enzyme Q10 supplement. One of the most significant conclusions drawn by the researcher is that: the boxers' heart rates before and after the effort, their levels of lactic acid before and after the effort, and their (Vo2 Max) levels all improved as a result of the exercises the researchers designed and the Coenzyme Q10 supplement they took. One of the experts' most crucial recommendations is that boxers must follow a proper nutritional regimen to make up for the substantial energy wasted during training and competition.
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