Principles of Empirical Modeling of The Education System


  • Poshokulova Mohigul Kaxramonovna Independent researcher at the Karshi Institute of Engineering Economics



Empirical Modeling, Experiment, Regression Model


Modeling the preschool and school education system is a promising approach. The principles of empirical modeling of the education system are very relevant and important today, as they help to clearly understand the complex processes in the secondary specialized education system and make decisions based on them. These modeling processes are mainly based on collecting data, analyzing it, and formulating approaches for future decisions. This article develops conclusions and proposals based on the principles of empirical modeling of the education system.


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How to Cite

Kaxramonovna, P. M. . (2025). Principles of Empirical Modeling of The Education System. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 6(1), 147–150.


