Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research2025-02-14T15:53:21+05:00Editor in Chief[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research</strong> <a href="">ISSN 2690-9626</a> is a fully international, open access, peer-reviewed American journal published by <strong>Global Research Liability Limited Company</strong> that focuses on the latest research across all disciplines of the social sciences, including anthropology, economics, law, linguistics, education, geography, history, political science, psychology, sociology, and related areas. The journal is especially interested in interdisciplinary research and aims to facilitate the interaction and communication between different social science disciplines. The journal welcomes conventional-length articles as well as shorter Research Notes or short articles, as long as they meet the journal’s standards of quality and originality.</p> Role of Civil Society in Combating Political and Financial Corruption in Iraq2025-02-05T19:08:01+05:00Ammar Abed Abbas[email protected]<p><strong> </strong>Political and financial corruption is one of the most prominent challenges facing Iraq's political and economic process, and this hinders development and progress until Iraq became one of the so-called fragile states, that is, countries that do not own their political and economic decisions, and in this context we need to activate the role of civil society organizations in combating corruption by promoting transparency and accountability and raising community awareness about the dangers of corruption and its negative effects. This research aims to analyze the role of civil society organizations in Iraq in confronting political and financial corruption, by studying their work mechanisms, the main challenges they face, and the extent of their effectiveness in promoting integrity and accountability. The research relies on a descriptive and analytical approach, based on data and reports issued by local and international organizations, in addition to reviewing the legal framework that regulates the work of these organizations in Iraq. The findings indicate that civil society organizations contribute to the fight against corruption by submitting reports on corruption cases, conducting awareness campaigns, and cooperating with oversight bodies. However, CSOs face several challenges, most notably political interference and legal restrictions. The research recommends that the role of civil society organizations should be strengthened by creating a favorable legal environment, increasing cooperation between the state and these organizations, and enhancing transparency in the performance of government institutions, which will contribute to reducing corruption and promoting good governance in Iraq.</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research Methodology in Teaching The Subject of Function2025-02-07T22:52:01+05:00Rashidov Anvarjon Sharipovich[email protected]Sa’dulloyeva Dildora Ikhtiyor qizi[email protected]<p>This article examines the effectiveness of teaching the topic of function in a 7th grade mathematics lesson by integrating STEM methodology. The article emphasizes the importance of using interactive and practical methods in teaching mathematics based on the STEM approach. Using STEM principles in teaching the topic of function helps students to understand mathematical concepts more deeply and prepares them to solve real-life problems. The article examines various ways to apply the STEM approach, including creating function graphs using scientific and technological tools, teaching the concept of function through practical projects and group work. This approach helps students develop creative thinking, analytical skills, and understand the connection of mathematics with other areas. The article also shows how the STEM approach can be effectively used in organizing non-standard lessons.</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research for Developing Students Ethnopedagogical Culture Based on A Systemic Approach2025-02-09T15:20:09+05:00Ne'matov Mashkhurbek Inomjon o'g'li[email protected]<p>This article investigates the development of students' ethnopedagogical culture through a systemic approach. The paper examines the fundamental theories while outlining developmental phases and assessing pedagogical methods which develop cultural competencies. The research demonstrates why nation-building values must be merged with cultural communication abilities except traditional values in educational arcades. The research offers methodical suggestions to build students' ethnocultural identity since this foundation enables their integration within a multicultural environment. Students achieve better knowledge of national heritage together with enhanced cultural communication skills through an organized teaching methodology.</p> <p> </p>2025-02-09T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research Effect of Climate on The Variation of Water Cover Area in Lake Sawa2025-02-11T06:23:41+05:00Ali Khazaal Jawad Al-Kulabi[email protected]<p>The study used Landsat (8) satellite images with a resolution of (30) meters to determine how climate affected Lake Sawa water cover. Twelve images per month of 2024 were obtained using Bands 3 and 5 to extract the water cover index (NDWI), which was then analyzed using the Arc GIS 10.5 program. The study found that the overall area of Lake Sawa depression reached (4.52) km2, and the area of the water cover varied to reach its maximum area of (3.43 km2) and a percentage of (76.01%) in the month of March, the largest area Lake Sawa saw all year , March marked the lowest area of lands without water cover during the research period, measuring 1.08 km² with a percentage of 23.91%, while July marked the lowest area of water cover during 2024, measuring almost 1.8 km² with a percentage of 30.94%. The area of areas devoid of water cover reached its maximum in July 2024, measuring 2.71 km², with a percentage of 60.06 percent. There are direct and inverse links between the water cover index and the meteorological factors, according to the statistical study of the Pearson correlation coefficient.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research Multifaceted Approach to Assessing Regional Competitiveness: Integrating Economic, Geographic, and Institutional Factors in Uzbekistan2025-02-13T07:19:07+05:00Karimov Dilshodbek Abdumalikovich[email protected]<p>Assessment of regional competitiveness is crucial in understanding and building up a sustainable economic growth. This thesis studies the different techniques and formats by which a region is evaluated as to offers its competitive advantage, and enables filling the current gap in standardized evaluation techniques. Despite the nature of regional competitiveness as a leading indicator for the economic development, no universally accepted approach has been applied for its assessment. This study applies a multi dimensional methodology to measure socio economic potential and regional performance through rating systems, comparative analysis, statistical analysis and network based assessment. The results indicate that natural and economic resources, governance structures and technological innovation affect regional competitiveness. In addition, the paper outlines the importance of regional specialization and interregional cooperation in sustaining competitive growth. Results suggest an objective methodology for integration of qualitative and quantitative indicators is useful to improve competitiveness. This research, with its implications, reinforces the need of policymakers to develop strategic approach in use of regional resources in ways that are effective and contribute to sustainable economics. Future research should involve the refinement of competitiveness assessment models using advanced data analytics and assessing the effects of global economic changes on regional development.</p>2025-01-24T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research Analysis of The Concept of The Institute of Mediation2025-02-14T11:07:26+05:00Doniyor Teshayev[email protected]<p>This research article provides analytical information on the practice of mediation and the history of its emergence, which plays an important role in preventing and resolving family conflicts.</p>2025-01-24T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research Impact of Cyberbullying in Tertiary Institutions of Yobe State, Nigeria2025-02-14T15:48:06+05:00Jamilu Ibrahim Mukhtar [email protected]<p class="TableParagraph" style="text-align: justify; margin: .55pt 10.1pt 6.0pt .1in;"><span style="font-size: 9.5pt;">This study investigates the extent, effects, and prevention measures of cyberbullying in tertiary institutions in Yobe State, Nigeria. It explores the prevalence of cyberbullying, the platforms used, vulnerable student groups, and the psychological and academic consequences for victims. The study adopted Critical Discourse analysis (CDA) to explain the prevalence of cyber-bullying in tertiary institutions in Yobe State. Methodologically, mixed-methods approach, including both quantitative and qualitative data collection through surveys and in-depth interviews, was used to gather responses from students, academic staff, and non-academic staff. The findings reveal a significant prevalence of cyberbullying, with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram being the primary tools for harassment. Freshmen students, particularly females, were identified as the most vulnerable groups. Cyberbullying was found to have a profound impact on victims’ mental health, with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem being common psychological effects. It also negatively affects academic performance, as victims experience a decline in focus and participation. Despite these severe consequences, reporting mechanisms were found to be largely ineffective, and there is a general reluctance among victims to report incidents. The study also highlighted the need for stronger institutional policies, improved support systems, and greater parental involvement. Based on these findings, the study offers several recommendations, including the development of systematic anti-cyberbullying policies, the establishment of more effective reporting mechanisms, and the implementation of awareness campaigns. This research contributes to understanding the dynamics of cyberbullying in Nigerian tertiary institutions and provides actionable insights for creating safer and more supportive academic environments.</span></p>2025-02-13T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2025 Chauvinism and Socio-Economic Status as Correlates of Marital Instability among Married Women in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State2025-02-14T15:53:21+05:00Love Nwamadi[email protected]Konye Nwachukwu[email protected]Patricia Melchizedek Ogonda (Ph.D)[email protected]<p>The study examined the connection between married women's marital instability, socioeconomic level, and male chauvinism in the city of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The study used a correlational research design. The study was driven by four research questions and four matching null questions. 9,678 married women from Rivers State's Obio/Akpor and Port Harcourt City Local Government Areas made up the study's population. There were 400 married women in the study's sample. To determine the sample, a fluid survey sampling calculator was utilised. In this investigation, a multistage sampling strategy was used. The study's tool is the "Male Chauvinism, Socio-economic Status and Marital Instability of Married Women Scale," which was created by the researcher (MCSSMIMWS). Three measurement and evaluation specialists validated the instrument and made some adjustments. The instrument's reliability was assessed using a test-retest methodology. The research topics were addressed and the null hypotheses were tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The study's findings showed that among married women in the city of Port Harcourt, marital instability was substantially correlated with male domineering behaviour, male double standards, strict expectations of gender roles, and financial control. The study's findings showed a substantial correlation between marital instability and male domineering behaviour, male double standards, and strict expectations of gender roles and financial management. Based on the findings, the researchers came to the conclusion that among married women in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, marital instability was substantially correlated with both male chauvinism and socioeconomic position. In order to address difficulties of domineering behaviour, the researchers suggested, among other things, that members of the Counselling Association of Nigeria (CASSON) set up counselling programs for married couples. In order to promote equality in married relationships, these programs ought to stress the value of respect for one another, clear communication, and shared decision-making.</p>2025-01-24T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research