The Main Trends in the Development of Agro-Industrial Formations in the Agro-Industrial Complex


  • Nazarova Ra’no Rustamovna Tashkent, Uzbekistan Professor, DSc in Economics, TSUE
  • Atabayev Sardor Marruf ougli Tashkent, Uzbekistan 1nd year Master's student


Agriculture, GDP, commodity, economy, developed and developing countries


The article clearly defines the role of agriculture in the development of the economy. The definition of the agro-industrial complex is given and the trends of its development in the world are presented. The analysis of foreign experience in the development of the agro-industrial complex is carried out. The problems of the development of agro-industrial formations and ways to solve them are highlighted.


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How to Cite

Rustamovna, N. R., & Marruf ougli , A. S. (2022). The Main Trends in the Development of Agro-Industrial Formations in the Agro-Industrial Complex. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 5(5), 108–112. Retrieved from