

Dr. Victor Sohmen

Department of Management and Leadership Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Jermsittiparsert, Kittisak

Faculty of Education, University of City Island, CYPRUS, University of City Island, Famagusta, Cyprus
Scopus ID: 57214268798

Luca Correani

Professor, the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Departement of Economics and Business, Italy

Fabio A. Madau

Professor, Department of Management and Leadership Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Eng Khiam Tan

Professor,  National University of Singapore, Singapore

Mannapova Shakhnoza Elshodovna

 Ph.D., Associate professor, Tashkent Financial Institute, "Finance" department



Founding Partner - Lawyer
International Law Firm Arnone&Sicomo, Palermo

Yangiyev Gayrat Avezkhonovich

Associate professor of Bukhara State University, Department of Jurisprudence and socio-political sciences

Mohd Tahir Ismail

Professor, School Of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Abdurakhmanov, Kalandar Khodzhaevich

Tashkent State University of Economics., Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Dr. Asaad Naji

Professor, American University in the Emirates, United Arab Emirates

Katarína Petríková

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

Petr Levchaev

Professor, Ogarev Mordovia State University, Russia

Rajmund Mirdala

Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic, Slovakia

Meltem Ince Yenilmez

Professor, UC Berkeley / Yasar University, Turkey

Khudoyberdiev Odiljon Egamberdi o'g'li

Deputy dean for academic affairs of the Faculty of Finance of the Tashkent Financial Institute

Lacap Jean Paolo

Professor, Management and Entrepreneurship Department, Angeles University Foundation, Philippines

Patrycja Chodnicka - Jaworska

Professor, University of Warsaw, Poland

Omonov Rustam,

 Head of the Department of Finance, Faculty of Economics, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute


Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Law, Economic and Social Sciences, Ibn Tofail University of Kenitra, Morocco

Ivana Kursan Milakovic

Professor, University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Croatia

Dr. Hung-Hao Chang

Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Lacap Jean Paolo

Professor, Management and Entrepreneurship Department, Angeles University Foundation, Philippines

Vincent E. Mangum

Professor, Grambling State University, USA

Yuldosheva Shahribonu Anvar kizi

Ph.D, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan.

Birendra Rana

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Apex College, Pokhara University, Nepal

Patrycja Chodnicka - Jaworska

Professor, University of Warsaw, Poland

Saidov Doniyor Abdullaevich

Associate Professor of the "Banking" Department of the Tashkent Financial Institute


Valiyev Bobur Batirovich,

 Doctor of science in economics, Professor at the University of public safety in Uzbekistan.

Zafar G. Shakarov

Ph.D., Department head of Tashkent Branch of Russian Economic University after G.V. Plekhanov

Ata Assaf

Professor, University of Windsor, Canada

Shadieva Gulnora Mardievna

Professor of the real economy department of the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

Alimov Bakhodir Batirovich

Associate Professor of the "Business Management (MBA)" Department of the Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Mr. Naveen Kunnathuvalappil Hariharan

Sr. Hyperion SME, Department of Information Technology, United States

Dr. Anisul M. Islam

Professor, Department of Economics University of Houston-Downtown Davies College of Business Shea Street Building Suite B-489
One Main Street, Houston, TX 77002, USA

Dr. S S Narta

Professor, Department of Commerce, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, INDIA

Rayimnazarov Salokhiddin Davirbek o'g'li

Deputy dean for academic affairs of the "Finance" faculty of the Tashkent Financial Institute and a teacher of the "Economics" department

Dr. Secil Tastan

Professor, Management and Organizational Behaviour, Marmara University, TURKEY

Kamal El-Wassal

Professor, University of Alexandria/ University of Dubai/Department of Economic Development, Egypt

Salomova Sarvinoz Salimovna

Assistant of the Department of "Industrial Economics and Management" of the "Engineering Technologies" Faculty of Tashkent State Technical University.

Xashimova Naima Abitovna

Doctor of economics Professor Tashkent state University of Economics

Zokirova Nodira Kalandarovna

Head of "Labor Economics and Management" department Tashkent Branch of Russian Economic University after G.V. Plekhanov 

Milen Filipov

Assistant Professor of Public Relations, KIMEP University, Republic of Kazakhstan

Nadeera Jayathunga

Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka

Mrs. Sabina Dinesh Kumar

Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Mgt. Studies and Comm. University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka

Jumana M. ELhafiz

Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Shendi University, Ministry of Health, SUDAN

Sulaymonov Bahadir Abdualimovich

Department of "Management and Marketing" Tashkent Institute of Finance

Dr. Seema Sharma

Professor. Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur (formerly Kanpur University), Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, University of Mumbai, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune (Formerly Pune University), India

Jumaeva Gulruh Jurakulovna,

Department of "Management and Marketing" Tashkent Institute of Finance

Diego Escobari

Professor, The University of Texas-Pan American, Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business Administration, USA

Dr. Ebele P. Ifionu

Department of Finance and Banking, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Dr. Mohamed Kamal Mohamed Abu Amsha

Assistant Professor, Finance and Investment - Department of Banking and Finance - Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie

Tamara Abdibaeva,

Associate Professor of Accounting and Auditing Department of the Fiscal Institute under the State Tax Committee, Doctor of Economics

Xasanov Numon

Tashkent State Agrarian University, Department of Agroeconomics, Uzbekistan

Dr. Ivana Nacinovic Braje,

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Henry Mattnews

Professor, Writtle University College, UK

Athanassios Vozikis

Professor, University of Piraeus-Economics Dept., Greece

Lacap Jean Paolo

Professor,  Management and Entrepreneurship Department, Angeles University Foundation, Philippines

Romulus-Catalin Damaceanu

Professor, Petre Andrei University of Iasi, Romania

Lacap Jean Paolo

Professor,  Management and Entrepreneurship Department, Angeles University Foundation, Philippines

Ismoil Zaynutdinov

Ph.D. in Economics, Advisor to the Rector, Tashkent State University of Economics

Prof. Ahmad A.Sayed Omar

University Majmaah College Of Business Administration,
Economic and Management,
University Professor,
Faculty Member.
[email protected].

Eshonqulov Tirkash,

Associate Professor at Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekistan

Tokhir Akramov,

Associate Professor, Doctor of Economics, Tashkent State University of Economics

Marco Platania

Professor, UniversitÀ Degli Studi Di Catania, Italy

Chuponov Sanat Otanazarovich

 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Economical Sciences, Urgench State University

Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro

 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Sharia Economics Law Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
ORCID:  0000-0001-9059-9034

Yarashova Vasila Kamalovna

Tashkent State University of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Industry Economics

Rahimov Sanjar Abdulahadovich

Senior lecturer of the Department of "Value Engineering and Real Estate Appraisal", Samarkand State University of Architecture and Construction

Urmonov Jahongir Jaloldinovich

Doctor of Science on Economics, Head of Department of The university of Public Safety in Uzbekistan

Gaybullaev Odil Bakhtiyarovich,

Assistant Professor of the Department of "Management and Marketing" of the Tashkent Financial Institute. (PhD)

Alieva Nadirakhan Abdumalikovna

Tashkent Financial Institute
Associate Professor of "Management and Marketing" Department

Dr. Hana Catur Wahyuni, S.T., M.T.

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia | Supply Chain | Email | Google Scholar

Abdullaev Khurshidjon Nazrullo ogli

Deputy Head of the Department of Public Administration, Tashkent State Law University

Misirov Komiliddin Mamasabirovich

Professor at the "Financial Accounting and Reporting" Department of Tashkent State University of Economics

Kilichov Mukhriddin Husniddin ugli

Associate professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Sciences, department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Bukhara State University

Hind Khader Ahmed Al-Qaisi

Marketing Management Department, College of Management and Economics, University of Mosul, Iraq