Impact of Modeling Factors on Human Capital Development


  • Khamidov Bakhodirjon Sodikjonovich Scientific candidate Ferghana polytechnic institute The Republic of Uzbekistan



human capital, correlation, labor, economic model, variables


The article discusses the importance of the human aspect and characteristics such as the level of education or the availability of sufficient resources are extremely important for the performance process. Innovation is also important for productivity. The aim of this study is to identify the impact of human capital, mainly its educational level, on labor productivity. This is being studied using a quantitative approach along with the empirical evidence that has been given to detect these issues. In addition, in light of the results of the study, some recommendations can be identified, including that education reform should be linked to national development projects and reform plans for various sectors, as well as the establishment of a national information system and a national labor market and employment database.


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How to Cite

Khamidov Bakhodirjon Sodikjonovich. (2023). Impact of Modeling Factors on Human Capital Development. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 6(6), 104–110.