Economic Development and Unemployment Rate in Indonesia


  • Agnes Lutheran. CH. P. Lapian Department of Development Economics. Faculty of economics and business, University of Sam Ratulangi Manado


Unemployment, Education, Economic Growth, Population


Unemployment is one of the problems in achieving macroeconomic goals in a country. Unemployment is a situation where a member of the workforce wants to get a job but is unable to. Residents who are not working, but are looking for work or preparing to open a business, or who feel that it is impossible to get a job (desperate), or who are already working but not yet working, are considered unemployed. So this is what causes economic problems and will end in poverty. The high level of unemployment in a region will have a negative impact. Unemployment is influenced by several factors such as population, economy, and education. Homoscedasticity Test, Autocorrelation Test. The results of the discussion from the review are that high unemployment occurs as a result of several influenced aspects such as education, the economy and population, because when these three aspects are low it will have a high impact on the unemployment rate. So it can be concluded that education, the economy, and population must really need to be considered so that there is no increase in the value of existing unemployment.


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How to Cite

CH. P. Lapian, A. L. (2022). Economic Development and Unemployment Rate in Indonesia. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 5(5), 223–229. Retrieved from