Regarding Systematic Reforms of Property Tax From Individual Persons


  • Mukhabbat Volnazarovna Imomova Independent researcher, Tashkent Institute of Finance


property and capital, value of property and capital of individuals, residual value of property, cadastral value of property, property tax from individuals


In the article, at the current stage of the liberalization and modernization of the economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the description of the systematic reforms of the property tax levied on individuals based on the current tax legislation, the necessity and importance of their improvement, the characteristics and problems of the present time, the state's property and capital of individuals and their protection, viewed from the point of view of its operational measures to ensure guarantees of interest in property and capital growth.


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How to Cite

Mukhabbat Volnazarovna Imomova. (2023). Regarding Systematic Reforms of Property Tax From Individual Persons. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 6(7), 158–163. Retrieved from