Investment Challenges in the Insurance Sector in Iraq


  • Maryam Muzahem Abbas University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Feryal Salih Mahdi University of Baghdad, Iraq



Insurance Companies-Insurance Companies in Iraq-Insurance Sector


The research dealt with the challenges of investment in the insurance sector in Iraq, where many problems that hinder the work of insurance companies in Iraq were presented. The research included four main sections, the first of which dealt with the insurance sector and identifying everything related to the concept of insurance and what is related to it, and then the nature of the performance of insurance companies was presented Public, to identify the problems facing the insurance sector and work to present a treatment plan for them, and the research included a practical study about insurance companies in Iraq and the problems these companies experienced and how those companies managed to continue under the economic and political conditions that Iraq sees, and it was presented The results that were reached by analyzing the results of the study in addition to presenting a set of recommendations that the researcher believes may contribute to facing the problems of insurance companies in Iraq.


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How to Cite

Abbas, M. M. ., & Mahdi, F. S. . (2023). Investment Challenges in the Insurance Sector in Iraq. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 6(10), 263–276.