Foreign Experience In The Transformation Of The Chemical Industry And Its Practical Significance


  • Botir Sokhibov Macroeconomic And Territorial Institute Of Studies, Independent Researcher



Transformation, Digital Transformation, Innovation, Depreciation, Gross Asset, Current Asset, Equity, Liability, Dividend


This article explores the transformation of the chemical industry in developed nations and its implications for Uzbekistan. Despite extensive research on this subject, a knowledge gap exists in understanding how these transformations can be adapted to the Uzbek context. The study uses a comparative analysis of international case studies and Uzbekistan’s industrial policies, focusing on key metrics like asset profitability, innovation, and financial stability. Findings reveal that adopting international practices can significantly enhance efficiency and profitability in Uzbekistan's chemical sector. The results have critical implications for policymakers, highlighting strategies for integrating global expertise into domestic industry practices.


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How to Cite

Botir Sokhibov. (2024). Foreign Experience In The Transformation Of The Chemical Industry And Its Practical Significance. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 7(9), 684–689.


