Establishing The Foundations Of Sustainable Tourism And The Use Of Digital Technologies To Reduce Negative Impacts On The Environment And Public Health: Global Experience


  • Jalolov Otabek Bukhara State University Basic Doctoral Student



Digital Technologies, Sustainable Tourism, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Internet Of Things, Environmental Sustainability, Tourism Digitalisation, International Experience, Tourism In Uzbekistan


In this article, the author also discusses the benefits and future of using new generation digital technologies in tourism industry. This paper analyzes technologies as AI, big data, virtual, and augmented reality with regards to improving the quality of services in tourism, optimizing the tourist flows, and implementing sustainable tourism. Also, the research looks at the use of technology in the growth of tourism in Uzbekistan as a research topic. The article focuses on international experiences and national practices to offer new approaches to the digitalization of tourism. This research will be of interest to the aimed target group consisting of researchers, policy makers and practitioners in tourism industry.


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How to Cite

Otabek , J. . (2024). Establishing The Foundations Of Sustainable Tourism And The Use Of Digital Technologies To Reduce Negative Impacts On The Environment And Public Health: Global Experience. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 1–8.


