Analysis of the Socio-Economic Essence of the Field of Social Services and Trends in the State of Development


  • Xalikov Yulchi Muhammadyusupovich Independent researcher at the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan


service, social service, social sphere, science-education, health, sports, culture, arts


This paper presents an analysis of the socio-economic essence of the social services sector and explores emerging trends in its development. The study highlights the critical role social services play in supporting vulnerable populations, including the elderly, children, individuals with disabilities, and low-income communities, within modern societies. The research delves into the relationship between social services and broader socio-economic factors, such as income distribution, employment rates, public health, and education. It further investigates the evolving challenges faced by the sector, including funding constraints, demographic changes, technological advancements, and shifts in policy priorities. The paper identifies key trends influencing the future of social services, such as digital transformation, the emphasis on preventive care, integration of services, and increasing reliance on non-governmental organizations. The analysis underscores the importance of adapting social service systems to meet the growing needs of an aging population and address the economic disparities exacerbated by global crises


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How to Cite

Muhammadyusupovich , X. Y. . (2025). Analysis of the Socio-Economic Essence of the Field of Social Services and Trends in the State of Development. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 205–212. Retrieved from


