The Impact of Personal Characteristics on Preferences for the Quality of Products Offered Online


  • Sawsan Muhammad Ali Salih Assistant Lecturer, Technical Management Institute, Central Technical University, Iraq




This research addresses the problem of the lack of a clear vision of customer preferences in the Iraqi market and examines the extent to which certain personal factors influence their behavior regarding the nature of products offered (online), their inclination to purchase, and preferences according to quality dimensions guiding them towards acquiring products that meet desired specifications. The study aims to conduct an initial survey of consumer attitudes to determine their preference for purchasing products online and identify the factors influencing consumer behavior and its correlation with quality dimensions.

Various methods were employed to gather data and necessary information for the research, including books, academic theses, and studies to enrich the theoretical aspect of the research. Concerning the practical aspect, a checklist was utilized, filled out by a sample of students from the Institute of Technical Management.

Several statistical indicators were used to test the research hypothesis and demonstrate the relationship and impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable, including the Spearman correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA).

The research concludes the necessity of considering the nature of consumer behavior in light of the ongoing developments in the societal environment and the role of individual environment, culture, age, income level, lifestyle, and other factors that influence purchasing decisions. This consideration is crucial for delivering better products to satisfy consumers. There is an imperative to focus on quality dimensions, especially durability and external appearance, which consumers typically prefer when making purchasing decisions. Additionally, it is essential to take into account the simplicity of products and avoid complexity in their components, a consensus reached by the research sample.

In the products offered, attention must be given to the issue of simplicity, avoiding complexity in components. The research sample emphasized the importance of focusing on a fundamental aspect, which is considering the original performance characteristics of the product before presenting it in virtual markets. This approach ensures its acceptance by consumers.


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How to Cite

Salih , S. M. A. . (2025). The Impact of Personal Characteristics on Preferences for the Quality of Products Offered Online . American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 293–306. Retrieved from


