Linguistic and Cultural Concept of the Family in the Picture of the World


  • Aripova Dilnozaxon Vahobjon qizi Master of Kokand State Pedagogical Institute



Linguistic and cultural concept, linguistic picture of the world, reflection of the national mentality, concept, mental unit, certain national characteristics, worldview


The article deals with some aspects of the linguocultural concept of the Family in the picture of the world. The linguistic picture of the world of each nation is a reflection of the national mentality. The concept as a mental unit contains certain national features associated with the worldview, culture, customs, beliefs, way of thinking and history of the people.


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How to Cite

qizi, A. D. V. . (2022). Linguistic and Cultural Concept of the Family in the Picture of the World. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(5), 259–261.