The History of the Abbasid Caliphas in the Interpretation of Russian Orientalists


  • Rakhmanova Odinakhon Ravhsanbekovna Lecturer of the Department of World History Fergana State University Uzbekistan, Fergana



Umayyads, Abbasids, Abu Muslim, Marwan II, Khorasan, Kufa, Alids, Mawali


The article provides a detailed analysis of the works of Russian orientalists Filshtinsky I.M., Bartold V.V., Belyaev E.A., Bolshakov O.G. Umayyads, as a result of the provoked revolution of the supporters of the Abbasids. Particular attention is paid to the events of the coming to power of the first Abbasid caliph Abu al-Abbas and the introduction of the policy of the Abbasids in the administration of the state, where the inhabitants of Central Asia were involved.


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orientalist and arabist ( Main Stages Of Scientific Activity ) // European Journal of Innovation in Nonformal Education .Volume 2 | Issue 4 | ISSN: 2795-8612




How to Cite

Ravhsanbekovna, R. O. (2022). The History of the Abbasid Caliphas in the Interpretation of Russian Orientalists. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(6), 168–175.