Growing Vegetable (Sweet) Corn and Hybrids as a Resowing


  • Rakhmatov Idrok Ilkhomovich Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology and food safety, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan



Main sowing, re-sowing, cultivar, heterozygous hybrid, State Register, corn grain, milk ripening period


The article provides information on the growth, development, productivity of plants and the productivity of vegetable soybeans and grain when growing vegetable (sweet) varieties and hybrids of corn as the main sowing and resowing.


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How to Cite

Ilkhomovich, R. I. . (2022). Growing Vegetable (Sweet) Corn and Hybrids as a Resowing. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(12), 37–39.