Etymological, Lexical and Historical Analysis of the Toponyms ‘Fergana’ and ‘Dawan’


  • Nodirjon Kurbonov Senior teacher of Fergana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi



Fergana Valley, Fargona, Dawan, Chinese recordings, Chinese hieroglyphs


In this article the origins of the toponyms ‘Fargona’ and ‘Dawan (Day-yuan)’ have been discussed. The meanings and origins of the toponyms ‘Fargona’ and ‘Dawan (Day-yuan)’ have been analyzed with the research of geographical situation of the Fergana Valley, etymology of the toponym ‘Fargona’, lexical-semantic analysis and historical origin of the toponym after learning some works of Uzbek, Russian and Tajik researchers and we attempted to clarify the meaning of Fargona, Dawan (Day-yuan). In the article other names of the valley like Fakhanna and Poluona are also mentioned. In the conclusion of the article the meaning of the place names ‘Fargona’ and ‘Dawan (Day-yuan)’ has been given.


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How to Cite

Kurbonov, N. . (2022). Etymological, Lexical and Historical Analysis of the Toponyms ‘Fergana’ and ‘Dawan’. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(12), 82–88.