The European Union and The Republic of Uzbekistan: Perspectives of Cooperation and Partnership In the Sphere of Tourism
European Union, legal regulation, norms, partnership and cooperation agreements, tourism, Uzbekistan.Abstract
This research focused on the formation and theoretical-legal regulation of tourism in the European Union. Moreover, the author analyses the public legal aspects of European tourism law, paying more attention on the description of existing agreements with the Republic of Uzbekistan. There are interpreted international legal aspects of the accepted norms in the sphere of tourism, according to the international law, European Union Law and the national legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The author gives legal assessment to the partnership of the European Union states with the Republic of Uzbekistan in this area. The bilateral and multilateral norms between these subjects of international law, contextually important and last tendencies in the sphere of tourism, are mentioned by the author. There are developed conclusions and proposals in the developing partnership in tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan The paper also provides recommendations on the perspectives for cooperation and partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the European Union in the sphere of tourism
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