The Study, Value, and Need of the Period of Muhammad Rahimkhan I (1806-1825)


  • Bunyodbek Saparbaev Faculty of Socio-economic Sciences, Department of History, Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan



Khanate of Khiva, Muhammad Rahimkhan I, V.V.Bartold, Yu.E.Bregel, P.P.Ivanov, V.P.Yudin, A.N.Samoylovich.


The article highlights the significance of investigating the reign of Khan of Khiva Muhammad Rahimkhan I (1806-1825). Through a meticulous examination of the problem's scope, it critically assesses the scholarly contributions of local and foreign historians who have explored this historical period. By scientifically analyzing their research endeavors, this study underscores the importance of comprehending the political, social, and cultural dynamics of Muhammad Rahimkhan I's rule. Understanding this period offers insights into the broader context of Central Asian history and its implications for contemporary discourse. Moreover, by evaluating the methodologies and findings of these historians, this article elucidates the scholarly landscape surrounding Khan of Khiva Muhammad Rahimkhan I's era. Ultimately, this research underscores the necessity of studying this historical epoch to glean a comprehensive understanding of Khivan governance, regional dynamics, and their enduring impacts on modern discourse.


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How to Cite

Saparbaev, B. (2024). The Study, Value, and Need of the Period of Muhammad Rahimkhan I (1806-1825). American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 5(2), 65–71.


