The Importance of Increasing the Role of Digital Technologies in Tax Authorities


  • Temirqulov Alisher Abduraimovich Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Accounting and Audit
  • Normatova Madinaxon Ibrohimjon qizi Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Assistant, Department of Management


digital economy, tax administration, software package, digital technologies


In this study, we discussed the issues of increasing the importance and role of digital technologies in the tax authorities at the present stage of their reforms carried out in our republic. The issues of using digital technologies in the process of generating data for calculating the amount of tax payments were also analyzed. By introducing digital technologies into the process of enterprise development, the possibility of increasing its efficiency and bringing it to a new level of development, improving tax administration in this process, new legal, socio-economic, organizational and other conditions for the functioning of society and the economy were studied and, accordingly, proposals were made.


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How to Cite

Abduraimovich , T. A. ., & qizi , N. M. I. . (2023). The Importance of Increasing the Role of Digital Technologies in Tax Authorities. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 6(5), 92–96. Retrieved from