Digital Economy is a Leading Factor Ensure a Healthy Competitive Environment


  • Khalimov Sh. Kh. Assistant-Teacher of the Department of Digital Economics, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service


digital economy, competitive environment, technology, internet, businesses, customer demands, economic growth, job creation, innovation, challenges, insights


In the present day, digital economy has emerged as a crucial aspect in ensuring a competitive and thriving business environment. With the advent of technology and the widespread use of the internet, businesses are increasingly going online and using digital tools to reach and interact with customers. This has created new challenges and opportunities for companies of all sizes. In order to succeed in this rapidly changing landscape, companies need to continuously innovate and improve their offerings to meet customer demands. This article explores the role of digital economy in fostering a healthy and competitive environment, highlighting its importance for driving economic growth, job creation, and innovation. The article also examines the challenges companies face in this digital era and provides insights into how they can stay ahead of the curve.


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How to Cite

Sh. Kh., K. (2023). Digital Economy is a Leading Factor Ensure a Healthy Competitive Environment. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 6(6), 66–68. Retrieved from