The Role of Knowledge Management in Developing the State's Financial Policy in Light of Economic Fluctuations


  • Dahlia Abdulhussein Ahmed University of Technology-Iraq
  • Dr. Mustafa Ali Ibrahim University of Technology-Iraq
  • Yasir Jihad Saeed Department of Economics, College of Administration & Economics, Kirkuk University, Iraq



knowledge management, state financial policy, economy, crisis, system analysis


A systematic approach to the issue of public financial policy development requires consideration of the role of knowledge management in this process. The purpose of this article is a system analysis of tasks, methods (models), knowledge management technologies to ensure financial flows, organizational resources. Classical methods of system analysis are used, as well as non-classical methods - cognitive schemes, end-to-end analytics, taking into account Big Data, Data Mining, etc. The main tasks investigated in the article include a causal analysis of the role of knowledge management in a crisis economy and the imbalance of the state's financial policy to reduce structural risks, such as unemployment. The new results of the study are a system-methodological analysis focused on the crisis economy: 1) state financial policy in conjunction with knowledge management methods and technologies in economic crises; 2) key factors in the evolution of personnel and intellectual capital in the anti-crisis economy; 3) capabilities and models for knowledge and financial management, in particular cognitive schemes. Also considered are for support 1)–3) evolutionary demonstration mathematical models that are suitable for practical application and training.



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How to Cite

Dahlia Abdulhussein Ahmed, Dr. Mustafa Ali Ibrahim, & Yasir Jihad Saeed. (2023). The Role of Knowledge Management in Developing the State’s Financial Policy in Light of Economic Fluctuations. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 6(10), 89–100.