The Relationship Between The Public Budget and Public Debt (An Analytical Study - Iraq As A Model)
General Budget Deficit, Public Debt, Iraq, Expenses And RevenuesAbstract
The Iraqi economy has gone through a lot of challenges, difficulties, problems, wars and the collapse of infrastructure and these conditions led to the occurrence of the fiscal deficit in Iraq, especially after 2003, as the financial deficit was financed by public debt and we will focus here in this research on the analysis and study of the public budget deficit and public debt in Iraq through the use of the analytical approach of data to analyze the data of the public budget deficit on the public debt in Iraq The research has found that the increase The fiscal deficit in the public budget increases dependence on public debt in order to finance that deficit and this means bearing large financial burdens because the public debt has burdens and financial problems added to the public budget as the research recommends the need to adopt a well-studied and appropriate economic policy in order to reduce the deficit in the public budget first and adopt a well-thought-out policy to manage the public debt in order to reduce its burdens and problems second, As well as avoiding financial crises that negatively affect the reality of the Iraqi economy.
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