Ways to Improve the Competitiveness of Higher Education Services
Strategy, marketing, digital technology, modern education, digital economy, programming, information flow, information resources, innovative technologies, communication toolsAbstract
This scientific article describes the role of marketing in the development of the higher education system services market, the definition of the main tasks of educational services marketing in increasing the competitiveness of higher education and their strategic ways. Also, in the activities of higher educational institutions, it was discussed to identify specific aspects of educational services and research on this direction, scientific work. In recent years, the organization of new systems will be considered in order to improve the quality and convenience of the higher education system in every way. Positive results can be achieved if used by taking the template from the strategy of prestigious educational institutions that occupy places higher than the world ranking. In particular, at all stages of education, the role of digital technologies in the integration of higher education, problems of digitization are seen.
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