Human Resources and Their Role in the Oil and Gas Industry in Iraq
HR, human resource Performance, Oil and gas industry, IraqAbstract
The study aimed to how performance in Iraq's oil and gas industry is affected by HR (human resource management) methods. The analysis of confirmatory factors, or CFA, was used to identify HR practices. A questionnaire survey was conducted between January and march of 2024. A sample is Basra oil company. 150 surveys were sent to these businesses. All of surveys were obtained, indicating an 100% percent response rate. Employee from these companies were the respondents. . In all, 150 Employee from (Basra oil company) answered a self-reported questionnaire measuring five HR practices and subjective financial performance metrics. These habits have a positive and statistically significant correlation with performance, according to regression analysis. The study adds to the scant empirical data already available in the context of Iraq and gives managers insight into how to use these practices as a strategic tool for better performance. In an effort to boost the success rate of human resources, it is intended that this study will serve as a resource for academics and managers alike as they examine the systematic relationship between financial performance and HR practices.
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