Analysis of the Current State of Agricultural Production in Our Country


  • Kudratov Alisher Alijanovich Researcher at Gulistan State University


grain production, beans, mung bean,, millet, food safety, economic effectiveness


This study analyzes the current state of agricultural production in Uzbekistan, focusing on challenges in legume crop cultivation and export. Using statistical analysis and monographic observation, the research examines production dynamics, export trends, and economic factors affecting the sector. Key findings reveal substantial growth in legume exports from Syrdarya region, despite barriers such as outdated infrastructure and insufficient market integration. Recommendations emphasize forming an "Association of Legume Producers," improving seed quality, enhancing export logistics, and aligning production standards with international benchmarks. These measures aim to optimize economic efficiency and bolster Uzbekistan's agricultural export potential.


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How to Cite

Alijanovich, K. A. (2025). Analysis of the Current State of Agricultural Production in Our Country. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 357–366. Retrieved from


