Assessing the Role of Digital Transformation in Enhancing Logistics Operation in Uzbekistan a Study of Industry 4. 0 Technology


  • Ortiqova Nurjaxonbegim Ravshan Department of Business Administration Sharda University Uzbekistan
  • Gabriel Ayodeji Ogunmola Doctoral Researcher (Dsc), Adijan Machine Building Institute, Uzbekistan



Industry 4.0, logistics performance, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, digital transformation, cloud computing, big data analytics, Uzbekistan, supply chain management


This study investigates the role of Industry 4.0 technologies in enhancing the performance of logistics operations in Uzbekistan, a developing economy situated at the crossroads of significant economic transformation. The quantitative research design pursued by the authors evaluates the impact of such technologies as IoT, AI, cloud computing, blockchain, and big data analytics on different dimensions of the performance of logistics services-in efficiency, cost reduction, and customer satisfaction. Accordingly, the findings showed that IoT and cloud computing have a significant positive effect on operational efficiency, while AI influences cost reduction positively. Blockchain, though highly underutilized, has the potential to raise the level of trust and, consequently, contribute toward customer satisfaction. The moderators of interest, comprising government policies, technological infrastructure, and workforce capabilities, should help to shape the rate of diffusion and the magnitude of the impacts described above. These results will provide actionable insights to businesses, policymakers, and educational institutions regarding the strategic need to invest in digital infrastructure, building a better workforce, and supporting regulatory frameworks. The purpose of this paper is to add to this nascent literature on Industry 4.0 by exploring some of the unique challenges and opportunities of Industry 4.0 impinging on logistics companies in developing economies and to, therefore, set the stage for further research concerning digital transformation in emerging markets.


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How to Cite

Nurjaxonbegim Ravshan , O. ., & Ogunmola, G. A. (2025). Assessing the Role of Digital Transformation in Enhancing Logistics Operation in Uzbekistan a Study of Industry 4. 0 Technology. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 396–413.


