The Role of Modernization of Economic Sectors in Increasing Economic Efficiency


  • Juraev Toshbolta Tukhtaevich Professor of Tashkent Financial Institute., Doctor of Economics
  • Khalilov Odiljon Husniddin oglu Master of Tashkent Financial Institute



market economy, economic efficiency, labor efficiency, social production, efficiency ratio, net economic efficiency, enterprise profitability, material capacity of the product


The article examines the processes related to the role and importance of economic efficiency in a market economy. Economic approaches to the study of the scientific and theoretical foundations of economic efficiency are systematized. Opportunities and factors to increase economic efficiency in industrial enterprises are assessed.The ratio of the efficiency of the use of raw materials and basic materials used in production to the volume of products produced was analyzed.Scientific proposals and practical recommendations aimed at increasing economic efficiency through the modernization of economic sectors have been formed.


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How to Cite

Tukhtaevich, J. T. ., & oglu, K. O. H. . (2022). The Role of Modernization of Economic Sectors in Increasing Economic Efficiency. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 5(1), 73–79.