Some Actual Problems of Uzbek Toponymy


  • Xayrullayeva Marjona Omon qizi Bukhara State University, lecturer of the department of Uzbek Linguistics, Uzbekistan



toponym, ethnonym, topoformant, topoassos, indicators


Just as linguistics is a whole system, so naming science is a separate system. The names of places reflect the history and fate of the people and the country. The names of places are unique monuments of Elat, nations and peoples with an ancient history. The reason is that they represent a single universe of history and destiny. Toponyms of Uzbekistan are still studied mainly in general, linguistic, geographical and historical aspects. Despite the fact that the interpretation of toponyms of our country under the influence of these trends is a fairly broad tradition, little attention is paid to their etymological analysis. Scientific works on toponyms of our Motherland have gone from a simple linguistic and geographical description to an explanatory description and classification. But the etymological analysis of toponyms, carried out due to the fact that they emphasize the path to the etymological analysis of toponyms and ignore the norms of their etymological research, has not reached perfection, if we consider them from the standpoint of today.


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How to Cite

qizi, X. M. O. . (2022). Some Actual Problems of Uzbek Toponymy. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(5), 359–363.