Ban on Pilgrimage in the Soviet Union (20-30 Eyars’ of Xx Century)


  • Joniev Muzaffarkhan Imam Termizi international research center head of the scientific research department, doctor of philosophy in history



history, ban, pilgrimage, Soviet Union, religious


Although there were no strict bans on religious images and prayers in the early years of the Soviet union, it was controlled by the state from the mid-20 years’ of the 20th century. In these years, the Soviets put the main pressure on the Orthodox and Muslims, who make up the majority of the population. In the early years, the control was not so strict, because it can be said that the Soviet Union, which came out of the First World War with great losses and the severe economic crisis of the early 1920s, forced the government of the Soviet Union to conduct a moderate religious policy.


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How to Cite

Muzaffarkhan, J. . (2022). Ban on Pilgrimage in the Soviet Union (20-30 Eyars’ of Xx Century). American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(9), 29–32.