The Historical Trend of the Initial Accumulation of Capital in Turkesтаn


  • Khadjimuratov Abdukakhkhor Abdumutalovich Doctor of Economics, Fergana Public Health Medical Institute, Associate Professor of "Social Sciences", Fergana Uzbekistan



capital accumulation, private property, entrepreneurship, mortgage lending, handicrafts, manufacturing, contracting, private capital, industrial capital, usurious capital


This article examines the history of Uzbekistan, the second half of the XIX century - early XX century, the process of initial capital accumulation in the formation of capitalist market relations. The study found that the initial capital accumulation processes took place mainly in the fields of agriculture, irrigation, handicrafts, industry, construction and mortgage lending. As a result, private entrepreneurial structures have been formed and capitalist market relations have developed.


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How to Cite

Abdumutalovich, K. A. (2022). The Historical Trend of the Initial Accumulation of Capital in Turkesтаn. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(10), 219–229.