Enhancing Speaking Skills of B1 Level Students Through Storytelling Techniques as a Form of Interactive


  • Madiyarov BaburAllambergenovich Teacher, Uzbekistan state world languages university




communicative skills, interactivity, communicate, mental activity, meaning-making, professional competence, democratic style


Interactive learning is a special form of organization of the educational process, the essence of which consists in the joint activity of students on the development of educational material to solve common but significant problems for everyone, in the exchange of knowledge, ideas, ways of activity. The learning process with the included elements of interactivity awakens students' interest in the development of a foreign language space and motivates them to further improve foreign language speech activity.



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How to Cite

Madiyarov BaburAllambergenovich. (2023). Enhancing Speaking Skills of B1 Level Students Through Storytelling Techniques as a Form of Interactive. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 4(5), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.31150/ajshr.v4i5.2189