Creativity of Students with Independent Activity


  • Хashimova Masuda Kamilzhanovna Associate Professor of the Department of "Pedagogy" of the Tashkent University of Applied Sciences



creativity, independent creative activity, technology, formation, competence


This article is devoted to the organization of independent and creative activities of students of vocational education institutions. The author examines the issues of organizing creative independent activity of students, the tasks that teachers should solve in the process of independent activity of a student, analyzes the views of various authors, lists the most common types of independent activity of students in vocational education, reveals the importance of independent activity in the formation of professional skills of future specialists, it is proposed to focus on the problems that currently exist in this area.


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How to Cite

Хashimova Masuda Kamilzhanovna. (2023). Creativity of Students with Independent Activity. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 4(10), 87–93.