The Effectiveness of Blended Learning between E-Learning and Traditional Education in Developing Critical Thinking Skills among Fine Arts Institute Students


  • Noor Sabah Sahi Assistant Lecturer, Al-Mustansiriyah University , College of Basic Education, Iraq


Blended learning, e-learning, traditional education, critical thinking, fine arts institutes


This study aims to examine the effectiveness of blended learning, which integrates e-learning with traditional education, in developing critical thinking skills among students of fine arts institutes. The research problem stems from frequent observations of students' deficiencies in critical thinking skills due to the reliance on traditional teaching methods that may not provide an interactive environment sufficient for skill development. The significance of the study lies in the urgent need to enhance the quality of education in fine arts institutes by employing modern educational methods that foster critical thinking, a fundamental skill in artistic fields. The study hypothesizes that implementing blended learning can effectively and positively enhance students' critical thinking skills compared to traditional teaching methods alone.

The researcher arrived at the following conclusions and recommendations:

  1. Effectiveness of Blended Learning: Results indicate that blended learning can be more effective in enhancing students' drawing skills compared to traditional teaching methods.
  2. Importance of Interaction and Active Participation: Active interaction and participation with the learning material through blended learning to enhance students' artistic and innovative skills.
  3. Impact of Blended Learning on Student Motivation and Engagement: Further studies could measure the impact of blended learning on student motivation and engagement in art classes and compare these results to those from traditional teaching methods.
  4. Blended Learning as a Motivator: Blended learning can motivate students and enhance their interaction with the material. Rather than passively following traditional teaching techniques, students actively participate in the learning process through blended methods.


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How to Cite

Sahi , N. S. . (2025). The Effectiveness of Blended Learning between E-Learning and Traditional Education in Developing Critical Thinking Skills among Fine Arts Institute Students. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 6(1), 1–20. Retrieved from


