Features of the Use Of Cross-Sectoral Balance Models in the Sustainable Development of Tourist Areas


  • Asrakulov Abdurakhmon Sultonovich Fergana State University (PhD)




Tourist Areas, Planning, Management, Optimization Models, Incoming Factors, Network Results, Cross-Sectoral Balance Model, Model Quadrants


In this research work, studied optimization models in the planning and management of sustainable development of tourist areas, in particular, some aspects of the use of the cross-sectoral balance model. The aim of the study is to assess the possibility of applying certain methodological aspects of the use of cross-sectoral balance models, which ensure the priority of the tourism sector in regions with high tourist resource potential. The results of the study will be able to be used in the development of strategies for the sustainable development of tourist areas of different countries, as well as in strategic management processes. From the developed recommendations, it is recommended to fool the results of the activities of the sectors in the tourist areas in the development of cross-sectoral balance models, which are intended to ensure the priority of the tourism sector.


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How to Cite

Abdurakhmon Sultonovich, A. (2025). Features of the Use Of Cross-Sectoral Balance Models in the Sustainable Development of Tourist Areas. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 6(1), 54–60. https://doi.org/10.31150/ajshr.v6i1.3238


