The Effect of Nutritional Supplements (Omega-3 and Magnesium) Combined with Static Stretching Exercises on the Rehabilitation of Trigger Point Injuries in Neck Muscles
Nutritional Supplements, Omega-3, Magnesium, Trigger pointsAbstract
The importance of this research in trying to combine the use of Nutritional Supplements (omega-3 and magnesium) with static stretching exercises to be an integrated protocol to improve the rehabilitation of trigger point injuries to improve the level of inflammation and motor flexibility of the neck joint. The research problem is summarized in the absence of a rehabilitation protocol or clear guidance and worked on developing a working strategy on how to integrate these nutrients with rehabilitation exercises. The researcher used the experimental method on the research sample and (8) of the injured athletes has been Conducting homogeneity and determining the test of the level of inflammation and flexibility of the neck bend down and to the sides. And the development of a protocol for the use of Nutritional Supplements (omega-3 and magnesium) with medical consultation with static stretching exercises and concluded that the adoption of Nutritional Supplements (omega-3 and magnesium) with static stretching works to rehabilitate trigger point injuries in the neck joint for athletes thus, the researcher recommended the adoption of the results.
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