The Impact of Organizational Culture on Innovation and Change Management


  • Normuhammedova Zebiniso Department of Business Administration, Sharda University Uzbekistan


Organizational Culture,, Innovation, Change Management, Leadership Alignment, Cultural Adaptability


Organizational culture is a cornerstone of strategic success, shaping an organization's
ability to innovate and manage change effectively. As the business environment becomes
increasingly volatile, organizations must strike a balance between fostering creativity and adapting
to ongoing changes. This study explores the dynamic relationship between organizational culture,
innovation, and change management by integrating theoretical frameworks, real-world case
studies, and qualitative and quantitative data. Using a mixed-methods approach, the research
identifies key cultural attributes—such as adaptability, openness, and collaboration—that enable
innovation and reduce resistance to change. Additionally, the findings reveal that cultural inertia
and misalignment between leadership and organizational values are critical barriers to success.
Recommendations include fostеring a culture оf continuоus learning, investing in leadership
alignment, аnd institutionalizing innovation practices. These insights contribute to both theoretical
understanding and practical strategies for building resilient organizations..


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How to Cite

Zebiniso , N. (2025). The Impact of Organizational Culture on Innovation and Change Management . American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 6(1), 94–105. Retrieved from


