Attitudes in Organizational Behavior


  • Khurshidakhon Kimsanboeva Department Of Business Administration, Sharda University Uzbekistan


Attitudes, job satisfaction, engagement, cognitive dissonance, diversity, personality, job characteristics, social learningleadership, culture


Attitudes play a pivotal role in shaping individual behavior within organizations. This
research paper explores the multifaceted nature of attitudes in the organizational context,
examining their impact on employee motivation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and
overall performance. Drawing upon established theories such as cognitive dissonance, job
characteristics theory, and social learning theory, the paper investigates the antecedents and
consequences of various attitudes, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job
involvement, and employee engagement. Furthermore, the paper explores the role of leadership
styles, organizational culture, and workplace diversity in shaping and influencing employee
attitudes. By understanding the dynamics of attitudes in the workplace, organizations can cultivate
a positive and productive work environment, enhance employee well-being, and ultimately achieve
organizational success.


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How to Cite

Kimsanboeva , K. . (2025). Attitudes in Organizational Behavior . American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 6(1), 106–120. Retrieved from


