Geomorphological Features of the Dokan Area- Northeast Iraq
Geomorphological Landscapes, Dokan, Remote sensing, GISAbstract
Numerous geomorphological characteristics that have been sculpted throughout time by geological, climatic, and hydrological processes define the Dokan region in Iraq's Kurdistan Region. A structural impact resulting from the collision of the Arabian and Anatolian-Iranian plates is linked to the majority of geomorphological characteristics. In the research region, three distinct geomorphological units may be identified: structurally derived units associated with the Alpine Orogeny. These units' primary characteristics include Homoclinal structures (cuestas, hogbacks, and flatirons) and anticlinal ridges, also known as synclinal troughs. In contrast to the third geomorphological units, which are of fluvial origin and are ascribed to the loaded stream sediments and their exchanged velocity, such as alluvial fans, terraces, and flood plains, the other units are of denudation origin, which is associated with the intense erosion of the resistant rocks, climate, and high relief (glacis and badlands).
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