Teaching Russian Language in Universities


  • Makhmudova Dilafruz Solidjanovna Kokand state pedagogical institute, lecturer of the Interfacult Department of Uzbek and Russian Languages




completion of practical tasks, dialogue of cultures, exercise self-assessment


The dream and desire of every student, as well as any person studying a foreign language, is the ability to speak correctly and express their thoughts in the language they are interested in. Teaching any discipline requires a number of responsibilities and efforts from the teacher and the trainee. The duties of the teacher include the choice of a certain methodology and a suitable teaching method, the selection of tasks for each type of educational activity, textbooks taking into account the level of knowledge of the trainees and much more. Effort, seriousness and responsibility are required from the trainees. The difference between teaching foreign languages from other disciplines is that through language we express our thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and feelings are not limited in the classroom, in the laboratory, in research; they are always and everywhere with us. This also means that you should not only learn foreign languages correctly, but also express your thoughts correctly in your native language.


Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech // Ibr. psikhol. research M., 1956. 517 p.

Mitusova O.A. Linguistic component of the model of a modern specialist // Construction-2001: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Rostov N./D.: RGSU, 2003. pp. 114-118.

Shchukin N.A. Methods of teaching speech communication in a foreign language. Moscow: Ikar, 2011. pp. 154-157.




How to Cite

Solidjanovna, M. D. (2022). Teaching Russian Language in Universities. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(1), 86–88. https://doi.org/10.31150/ajshr.v3i1.747


