The Impact of Secularization on Religious Denominations As Well


  • Kamilov Davron Zafarovich Doctor of philosophy (PhD), Department of general education, Specialized Branch of Tashkent State University of Law



tradition, religiosity, modern information space, motivation In religious traditions


Religion has been and remains one of the most important regulators of social reality. It is impossible not to agree with the fact that in the modern world religion attracts different segments of the population. In addition, it is difficult to dispute the aspect that religion is an ethical regulator of society, because many moral provisions of religion are able to direct the development of society in a positive direction. Religion as a special world relation of a person is created by tradition within the entire religious group, and manifests itself as an individual reflection of the actions and motivations of an individual.


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How to Cite

Zafarovich, K. D. . (2022). The Impact of Secularization on Religious Denominations As Well. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(1), 277–281.


