Strategic Competence in Communication


  • Shamirzayeva Zarifa Khudoyorovna Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region Teacher in the English Language Department


strategic competence, communicative strategy, assessment, planning, execution, paraphrase, literal translation


"Strategy" can be understood in a general theoretical aspect as a plan overcoming difficulties in a certain area of human activity, implying the most efficient implementation. Hence, communication strategy will be considered as an alternative plan to overcome difficulties in communication (for example, with a shortage of linguistic resources a compensatory communication strategy is used), and the learning strategy is used as a plan overcoming problems in the process of learning the language.


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How to Cite

Khudoyorovna, S. Z. . (2022). Strategic Competence in Communication. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 5(5), 134–138. Retrieved from