Strategic Architecture Enhances Agility in Iraq


  • Amina Omran Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia.
  • Wisam Ibrahim Joudah Najaf Governorate Diwan Najaf, Najaf, Iraq.



Strategic Architecture, Strategic Agility, Private Sector, Knowledge Management, Dynamic Adaptability


This research investigates the role of strategic architecture in enhancing strategic agility within private sector companies in Najaf Governorate, Iraq. Strategic architecture is examined through its dimensions of dynamic adaptability, harmony with the central vision, and knowledge management, and its impact on strategic agility dimensions: planning, organization, individuals, and technology. Utilizing an analytical approach, data from 123 engineers were collected via an AMOS questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS. Findings reveal that greater attention to strategic architecture components significantly enhances strategic agility. The study underscores the necessity for continuous knowledge and adaptation to maintain competitive advantage in a rapidly changing environment. The research highlights a critical gap in understanding the synergistic relationship between strategic architecture and agility, offering practical recommendations for organizations to foster responsiveness and innovation.


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How to Cite

Omran, A. ., & Joudah, W. I. . (2024). Strategic Architecture Enhances Agility in Iraq. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 7(5), 40–50.


