Investment - an Important Factor in the Development of Small Business


  • Numonjonova Nargiza Ashuralievna Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering, PhD student, teacher of Tashkent State University of Economics



small business, business environment, investments, investment sources, investment resources, investment environment, foreign direct investment, internal and external investment factors


This scientific article examines investments as an important factor in the development of small business in our country, describes its essence, meaning and objectives. The views, definitions and characteristics of foreign and domestic economists on investments are given, international experience is studied and analyzed. The author's approaches to investments as an important factor in the development of small business, as well as proposals and recommendations for the effective use of investments are presented. At the same time, measures were developed to improve the investment environment in the country, as well as proposals to improve the investment environment and increase their effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Nargiza Ashuralievna, N. . . (2024). Investment - an Important Factor in the Development of Small Business. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 7(12), 1371–1379.


